Smile’s Own “PassionFlower Farms” on Passion Flower

Passion Flower Passion Flower has been shown in small scale studies to Compare very well to Drug Therapy for Anxiety without gross side effects. By Tom Wolfe R.H (AHG) Tom is a Smile Herbalist and gardener for “PassionFlower Farms”, Smile Herb Shop’s Small Farm Business. ♦Note: R.H. means Tom is a Registered Herbalist with the…

Top 5 Reasons To Always Have Lavender Oil Around

According to author Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, lavender oil has 167 medicinal uses that have been tested! Today we’ll talk about just a few of these uses and why lavender oil is so good to have around. If I had to sum it up, I would say lavender oil is the most valuable, versatile oil because there’s…

Midsummer’s Herb

St. John’s Wort, Hypericum perforatum You’ve probably heard of this herb as a treatment for depression. And it’s true, St. John’s Wort extract can be helpful for mild or temporary depressions, particularly Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is not as useful for more serious depression, or other mood disorders, and can mix badly with prescription anti-depressants.…

Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola Herb Benefits You may not have heard of the plant Rhodiola rosea, and that’s a shame, because this is a powerful and beneficial herb for the body. Commonly known as golden root, or rose root for its lovely color, it is native to areas like Russia and Scandinavia. The herb is so tough, it…

Milk Thistle: Some of the Basics

History The documented medical use of Milk Thistle dates from the first century A.D., when Pliny the Elder advocated mixing its juice with honey to treat liver issues. Its presence in traditional medicine is near-ubiquitous across multiple continents. From China, where the seeds are called “Shui Fei Ji,” to sixteenth-century England, where it was recommended…