Moringa- What’s Not To Like?

Moringa is one of the most power-packed, health-enhancing plants on the planet. It is native to parts of Africa and Asia and can be found on the foothills of the Himalayan mountains in northwestern India. One of Moringa’s nicknames is the “drumstick tree” due to the shape of the seed pods. So why is Moringa…


Zinc: You Can’t Live Without It!

Zinc Benefits Zinc is an essential trace element, a necessary nutrient for life. Zinc is necessary for immune function, growth & development, proper sexual function, thyroid function, blood clotting, and much, much more. Although only tiny amounts of zinc are necessary for human health, those tiny amounts perform many different and important functions in the…


Sea Buckthorn, “The Tree That Makes The Horse Shine”

Sea Buckthorn Benefits Nutritional Content What makes Sea Buckthorn oil so beneficial? Containing more than 190 nutrients and phytonutrients, it’s packed with nutritional value! The Vitamin C content of Sea Buckthorn is over 12 times that of an orange. The Vitamin E content is equal to that of wheat germ. The Vitamin A content is…


Turmeric and Your Health

Turmeric is a native herb of India. It has been used medicinally for over 2,500 years, and recent researchers have been learning more about the health benefits of this amazing plant. Turmeric has long been known as a powerful anti-inflammatory, while recent studies have found that it can aid in the treatment of a wide…


Garlic Really is a Wonder

The Benefits of Garlic Garlic is one of the oldest cultivated crops on Earth, and those who grow it in its native land of central Asia have been producing the plant for over 5000 years. It is believed the ancient Egyptians were one of the earliest civilizations to utilize garlic in their society. They believed…


Top Foods To Avoid With High Blood Pressure

It is estimated that 30 percent of people in America have high blood pressure. Fortunately, dietary changes can help lower blood pressure. People who are not getting enough fruits and vegetables often have low potassium levels and high sodium levels. This imbalance of sodium and potassium can contribute to high blood pressure. Below is a…
