Top 5 Reasons To Always Have Lavender Oil Around

According to author Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, lavender oil has 167 medicinal uses that have been tested! Today we’ll talk about just a few of these uses and why lavender oil is so good to have around. If I had to sum it up, I would say lavender oil is the most valuable, versatile oil because there’s…

Relaxing With Passion Flower

Passion Flower’s fantastic beauty is a medicine in itself, but this lovely vine has much more to offer than its stunning, dramatic blooms. This time of year in the garden, Passion Flower vines are 4-5 inches tall with a few tiny leaves. But given time, sunlight, and water, they will climb as high as any…

Making Medicinal Vinegars

Naturally fermented vinegars are medicines in and of themselves, and they are also an excellent medium for extracting the medicinal properties of herbs. In fact, vinegar facilitates and strengthens the effects of the herbs extracted within it, especially stimulant and expectorant herbs, and we’ve been using vinegar in this way since the days of ancient…

Getting To Know Catnip

Catnip, Nepeta cataria, is a perennial herb, a member of the mint family, and one of the friendliest plants around. Its soft, aromatic leaves give you an idea of its gentle, calming effect on the mind and body. The square stems are a dusky purple color and grow quickly and abundantly with lots of water and…

Herbal Aphrodisiacs

Herbal Aphrodisiacs Herbal aphrodisiacs are as varied and numerous as the plants themselves. Some herbs, like Yohimbe, give the body an immediate “boost” of libido and work directly on the reproductive system. Other herbs are more nutritive; they work on a long-term basis to rejuvenate the reproductive system and the adrenals to build lasting energy…

Spicebush: An Under-utilized Appalachian Medicine

by Betsy Miller, M.S., CNS, LDN Spicebush, Lindera benzoin, is a small deciduous tree that typically grows in the understory of forests.  The tree is native to eastern North America, and ranges along the Appalachian mountains from Florida to as far North as Ontario and as far west as Kentucky and Texas.  The leaves and…