Rejuvenation In A Cup: Pacifying Vata in the Fall

In Ayurveda, Vata dosha is characterized as “dry, light, mobile, subtle, rough, hard, changeable, and clear.” Sounds a lot like Fall, doesn’t it? The leaves dry out and a cool, dry wind blows them away, the days become colder and shorter, the air is more subtle and changeable. In Ayurveda, Fall is the Vata time…

In Praise of Kapha

In Praise of Kapha Dosha Ayurveda, the ancient healing system of India, teaches that there are three constitutions: Vata (air), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Earth). These three energies are present in our physical bodies, our minds, and our emotions. A balance of these three is essential to good health and mental and emotional resiliance. In…