Smile’s Own “PassionFlower Farms” on Passion Flower

Passion Flower Passion Flower has been shown in small scale studies to Compare very well to Drug Therapy for Anxiety without gross side effects. By Tom Wolfe R.H (AHG) Tom is a Smile Herbalist and gardener for “PassionFlower Farms”, Smile Herb Shop’s Small Farm Business. ♦Note: R.H. means Tom is a Registered Herbalist with the…

Herbal Support for Root Causes of Anxiety

Last week I shared some herbs that may be supportive in more acute anxiety situations, including insomnia. We all want (immediate) relief when we are suffering with pain, whether it be physical or emotional! But with complex mental conditions such as anxiety, there is almost always more to them than meets the eye, and simply…

Herbal Support for Acute Anxiety

Anxiety is a word that we hear quite a lot these days, and with good reason: there is plenty of it to go around! We use “anxious” to describe a whole range of feelings, from nervousness to paralyzing panic attacks, from back-to-school to global events. The American Psychological Association (APA) defines anxiety this way: Anxiety…

Ashwagandha: Herbal Support in These Stressful Times

by Susan Wolfe and Tom Wolfe R.H. (AHG) are both Smile Herb Shop Herbalists What a 2024 world we live in … I cannot speak for you, but I certainly appreciate any herbal help in safely reducing anxiety and helping sleep. Let us begin with an Ashwagandha story from the history of Smile Herb Shop. Back…

Peaceful Passionflower

You may know of Passionflower as a premier herb for stress, anxiety, and insomnia. This gorgeous flowering vine relieves pain, calms the mind, and relaxes the muscles. You can often find bees drowsing in the beautiful blossoms, proof of the passionflower’s soporific effect! Passionflower was used by tribes in the Americas for millennia before making…

Top 5 Reasons To Always Have Lavender Oil Around

According to author Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, lavender oil has 167 medicinal uses that have been tested! Today we’ll talk about just a few of these uses and why lavender oil is so good to have around. If I had to sum it up, I would say lavender oil is the most valuable, versatile oil because there’s…

Relaxing With Passion Flower

Passion Flower’s fantastic beauty is a medicine in itself, but this lovely vine has much more to offer than its stunning, dramatic blooms. This time of year in the garden, Passion Flower vines are 4-5 inches tall with a few tiny leaves. But given time, sunlight, and water, they will climb as high as any…

Do you need Magnesium?

Warning Signs You Are Deficient In Magnesium Magnesium is a mineral that is necessary for nearly every bodily function, yet some people are deficient in it. Pre-existing conditions such as alcoholism and the use of some prescription medicines can reduce the body’s stores of magnesium. Magnesium deficiency in healthy people is relatively rare, but becoming more common…

Rhodiola rosea

Rhodiola Herb Benefits You may not have heard of the plant Rhodiola rosea, and that’s a shame, because this is a powerful and beneficial herb for the body. Commonly known as golden root, or rose root for its lovely color, it is native to areas like Russia and Scandinavia. The herb is so tough, it…


Benefits of Magnesium Magnesium Is Considered a Necessary Daily Mineral Magnesium is considered a necessary daily mineral, which means the body depends on proper levels of it for functioning. It also has several health benefits. The general benefits of magnesium include a steady heartbeat, it helps to strengthen bones and it assists in keeping the…

Soothing Skullcap

Feeling stressed? With the temperatures heating up, Skullcap is a good herb to know. American Skullcap, Scutellaria laterifolia, is a soothing, cooling nervine. It eases tension, relaxes the muscles, and acts as a general anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. Skullcap has a rejuvenating effect on the entire nervous system. It is often used in cases of…

Holy Basil Calm

Holy basil, or Tulsi, is one of the most revered herbs in Indian medicine. It has been used medicinally in India for many thousands of years. Nowadays, Western scientists are beginning to uncover the brilliance of this powerful herb. Holy basil can effectively aid in a wide range of illnesses and discomforts. A member of…