Herbs for Memory and Concentration

Whether it’s back-to-school season for you, or you’ve been experiencing “senior moments”, feeling mentally alert and focused is important. Many of us struggle with concentration, and there are many reasons for that. Our world is pretty over-stimulating, and while everyone’s tolerance for mental stimulus is different, it can be difficult for even the most extroverted…

Rejuvenation In A Cup: Pacifying Vata in the Fall

In Ayurveda, Vata dosha is characterized as “dry, light, mobile, subtle, rough, hard, changeable, and clear.” Sounds a lot like Fall, doesn’t it? The leaves dry out and a cool, dry wind blows them away, the days become colder and shorter, the air is more subtle and changeable. In Ayurveda, Fall is the Vata time…

Tension Headaches

Are Tension Headaches Getting You Down? A little irritation can weigh you down a lot Tension or Stress Headaches are characterized by dull, tight pain around the forehead, neck, or base of the skull. They do not affect vision or balance, and are not likely to cause nausea, as migraines do. While uncomfortable, they do…