6 Benefits of Ginger

Ginger, Zingiber officinale, is a root with a characteristically spicy flavor used in cooking all over the world. Gingerol, one of the identified essential oils in the fresh root has many soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that make it a very useful substance. According to Ayurvedic medicine, which has used ginger root for centuries, the fresh…

Spicebush: An Under-utilized Appalachian Medicine

by Betsy Miller, M.S., CNS, LDN Spicebush, Lindera benzoin, is a small deciduous tree that typically grows in the understory of forests.  The tree is native to eastern North America, and ranges along the Appalachian mountains from Florida to as far North as Ontario and as far west as Kentucky and Texas.  The leaves and…

Medicinal Kitchen Part II

Common Culinary Herbs and their Medicinal Uses Not only do these herbs add spice and flavor to our favorite dishes, they have powerful medicinal properties too! Unsurprisingly, all of these classic culinary herbs aid in digestion, but here are some of the other health benefits you can receive from using these herbs medicinally.

Relight Your Digestive Fire, Part II

Do you experience sluggish digestion? Wet coughing after meals? Gas and bloating? Difficulties with elimination? Something else equally unpleasant? Or maybe you’re just looking for some digestive TLC? All of our digestive processes are driven by an inner form of fire known as “agni”. Agni can get tamped down and suppressed by stress, poor diet,…

Licorice: More Than Just Candy

Licorice Benefits You may know of Licorice as the black jellybeans or rope candy, or perhaps as an ingredient in traditional root beer, but there is much more to Licorice root than its sweet earthy taste! (and those jellybeans are flavored with anise these days anyway!) Licorice is a powerful medicinal herb, and an excellent…

Office Yoga

Relax and Refresh Throughout The Day With These Simple Yoga Poses Getting up away from your desk and computer every hour or two can greatly improve your health and concentration. Sitting still for long periods can reduce circulation, putting extra stress on your cardiovascular system, digestion, and immune system to name a few. And of…

Heartburn Solutions

Let’s face it, Americans are stressed, and one of the uncomfortable side-effects of stress is mild to moderate heartburn.If you experience heartburn more often than you like, and you’ve ruled out more serious conditions, there are some simple and natural solutions that can bring you relief! Heartburn, or gastric reflux, occurs when there is too…