Making Medicinal Vinegars

Naturally fermented vinegars are medicines in and of themselves, and they are also an excellent medium for extracting the medicinal properties of herbs. In fact, vinegar facilitates and strengthens the effects of the herbs extracted within it, especially stimulant and expectorant herbs, and we’ve been using vinegar in this way since the days of ancient…


Getting To Know Catnip

Catnip, Nepeta cataria, is a perennial herb, a member of the mint family, and one of the friendliest plants around. Its soft, aromatic leaves give you an idea of its gentle, calming effect on the mind and body. The square stems are a dusky purple color and grow quickly and abundantly with lots of water and…


3 N’s For The Nose Part 3

3 N’s for the Nose: Neti, Nasya, and Nettles by Tom Wolfe Part 3: Nettles “Boiled with barley and eaten as a porridge several times a day, the fresh or dried leaves of sister spinster stinging Nettle loosen and bring up deep congestion without irritating sensitive respiratory tissues…Considered a specific for adults with asthmatic allergies,…


When Nettles Aren’t Enough

When Nettles Aren’t Enough: Welcome to Spring in the Mid-Atlantic We got a little taste of Spring with a record-breakingly warm February in much of the Eastern and Mid-Western U.S. For us here in the DC/Baltimore area, that meant an unexpected round of very early spring allergies! With actual spring just around the corner, we…


In Praise of Kapha

In Praise of Kapha Dosha Ayurveda, the ancient healing system of India, teaches that there are three constitutions: Vata (air), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Earth). These three energies are present in our physical bodies, our minds, and our emotions. A balance of these three is essential to good health and mental and emotional resiliance. In…
