New to Vegetarian Cooking?

Lots of people these days are trying to reduce, or eliminate, meat from their diets. This may be for health reasons, for environmental reasons, or for other personal reasons. For many folks, used to a certain way of cooking, it can be hard to figure out how to have balanced, satisfying meals without meat. I…

Rejuvenation In A Cup: Pacifying Vata in the Fall

In Ayurveda, Vata dosha is characterized as “dry, light, mobile, subtle, rough, hard, changeable, and clear.” Sounds a lot like Fall, doesn’t it? The leaves dry out and a cool, dry wind blows them away, the days become colder and shorter, the air is more subtle and changeable. In Ayurveda, Fall is the Vata time…

Cool Summer Recipes

Hot weather, longer days, fresh local produce, Summertime is a great time to cook. This time of year we can balance the heat of the sun with cooling and refreshing meals. I love to cook, and I love to eat, but I don’t like to fuss with fancy recipes. Especially in the summer when I…

Making Medicinal Vinegars

Naturally fermented vinegars are medicines in and of themselves, and they are also an excellent medium for extracting the medicinal properties of herbs. In fact, vinegar facilitates and strengthens the effects of the herbs extracted within it, especially stimulant and expectorant herbs, and we’ve been using vinegar in this way since the days of ancient…

Medicinal Kitchen Part II

Common Culinary Herbs and their Medicinal Uses Not only do these herbs add spice and flavor to our favorite dishes, they have powerful medicinal properties too! Unsurprisingly, all of these classic culinary herbs aid in digestion, but here are some of the other health benefits you can receive from using these herbs medicinally.