Holy Smoke: Smoking as a Healing Tool

  By Yaya Patterson, Root Woman & Smile Herbalist The smoking of plants has a strong history in the healing arts traditions across the globe. Smoking has been used ceremonially in nearly all earth-based religions. Popular smoke options such as tobacco and marijuana were once deemed sacred, and were thus employed with specific intentions. There…

Nettles: Using The Whole Plant

To gain confidence as an herbalist, Jim McDonald suggests picking just one or two herbs and focus on them completely– Grow them, eat them, read about them, make medicine with them, etc. If you really got to know, say, Peppermint and Chamomile, you could work with an enormous variety of health problems with those two…

Getting To Know Reishi

Reishi’s Chinese name translates as “Spirit Plant”, or “Herb of Spiritual Potency”. It is a remarkable, adaptogenic mushroom that has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Like all adaptogens, Reishi has a normalizing effect on our overall physiology, and it can help restore us to health from a truly incredible range of…

Top 5 Reasons To Always Have Lavender Oil Around

According to author Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, lavender oil has 167 medicinal uses that have been tested! Today we’ll talk about just a few of these uses and why lavender oil is so good to have around. If I had to sum it up, I would say lavender oil is the most valuable, versatile oil because there’s…

Licorice: More Than Just Candy

Licorice Benefits You may know of Licorice as the black jellybeans or rope candy, or perhaps as an ingredient in traditional root beer, but there is much more to Licorice root than its sweet earthy taste! (and those jellybeans are flavored with anise these days anyway!) Licorice is a powerful medicinal herb, and an excellent…