Holy Smoke: Smoking as a Healing Tool

  By Yaya Patterson, Root Woman & Smile Herbalist The smoking of plants has a strong history in the healing arts traditions across the globe. Smoking has been used ceremonially in nearly all earth-based religions. Popular smoke options such as tobacco and marijuana were once deemed sacred, and were thus employed with specific intentions. There…

3 N’s for the Nose Part 1

3 N’s for the Nose: Neti, Nasya, and Nettles by Tom Wolfe Part 1: Neti “Boiled with barley and eaten as a porridge several times a day, the fresh or dried leaves of sister spinster stinging Nettle loosen and bring up deep congestion without irritating sensitive respiratory tissues…Considered a specific for adults with asthmatic allergies,…

Medicinal Kitchen Part II

Common Culinary Herbs and their Medicinal Uses Not only do these herbs add spice and flavor to our favorite dishes, they have powerful medicinal properties too! Unsurprisingly, all of these classic culinary herbs aid in digestion, but here are some of the other health benefits you can receive from using these herbs medicinally.

Herbs for the Lungs, Part II

Herbs for the Lungs, Part II Many of us love the changing of the seasons, and we can’t wait to get outside when the temperatures start to warm up. But it’s during seasonal changes that we are especially vulnerable to respiratory infections. Here are just a few more herbs that can help. These herbs can…