Raw Honey: The Nutritional Wonder

Raw honey is unprocessed honey straight from the beehive, and it is a nutritional wonder. Real raw honey is never heated, never strained, never pasteurized, and never processed in any way. Make sure you read your honey labels carefully to make sure you’re getting the good stuff! Here are just a few of the many…

Can One Herb Really Do All That??

Stinging Nettles Can one herb really… The answer is yes! And the herb in question is none other than Stinging Nettle, or Urtica dioica. This herb is often seen as a pesky weed, but we know better. Many people turn to Nettles to help them survive allergy season intact. In addition to helping the body regulate its…

Keeping Cool with Hibiscus

Of the hundreds of species of hibiscus in the world, almost all of them originate in hot, tropical climates. In hot-weather cultures the world over, hibiscus is used to cool the body, relieve stress, and mitigate the effects of excessive heat. Today we will share three summer recipes to bring the cooling beauty of hibiscus…


The humble marigold Calendula officinalis is a wonderful and powerful herb to get to know. In the words of herbalist David Hoffman, “The value of this exceptional herb cannot be exaggerated when it comes to treating skin problems like wounds, bruises, or burns.” In addition to its remarkable effects on the skin, Calendula is also…

Top 5 Reasons To Always Have Lavender Oil Around

According to author Susanne Fischer-Rizzi, lavender oil has 167 medicinal uses that have been tested! Today we’ll talk about just a few of these uses and why lavender oil is so good to have around. If I had to sum it up, I would say lavender oil is the most valuable, versatile oil because there’s…

Midsummer’s Herb

St. John’s Wort, Hypericum perforatum You’ve probably heard of this herb as a treatment for depression. And it’s true, St. John’s Wort extract can be helpful for mild or temporary depressions, particularly Seasonal Affective Disorder. It is not as useful for more serious depression, or other mood disorders, and can mix badly with prescription anti-depressants.…