Smile Herb Shop has partnered with The Mid-Atlantic School of Herbalism to provide quality herbalism education taught by teachers passionate about medical and clinical herbalism. Intrigued by herbs? The herbalists at Mid-Atlantic School of Herbalism (MASH) have a combined experience of more than 100 years of clinical herbalism and we’d love to share our expertise…

5 Yoga Poses to Balance the 5 Elements

It can be a challenge to find an at-home Yoga practice that works for you. Poses that feel wonderful when your instructor is right there to support you may be too much to do on your own. In our Introduction to Ayurveda classes here at Smile, we teach a simple routine of five poses that…

Getting To Know Catnip

Catnip, Nepeta cataria, is a perennial herb, a member of the mint family, and one of the friendliest plants around. Its soft, aromatic leaves give you an idea of its gentle, calming effect on the mind and body. The square stems are a dusky purple color and grow quickly and abundantly with lots of water and…

In Praise of Kapha

In Praise of Kapha Dosha Ayurveda, the ancient healing system of India, teaches that there are three constitutions: Vata (air), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Earth). These three energies are present in our physical bodies, our minds, and our emotions. A balance of these three is essential to good health and mental and emotional resiliance. In…