New to Vegetarian Cooking?

Lots of people these days are trying to reduce, or eliminate, meat from their diets. This may be for health reasons, for environmental reasons, or for other personal reasons. For many folks, used to a certain way of cooking, it can be hard to figure out how to have balanced, satisfying meals without meat. I…

Astragalus for Protection

Astragulus membranaceus I’m on a bit of a kick these days about strengthening tonic herbs, particularly those that support the digestion, immune system, and the lungs. Autumn is a great time of change, and the Vata organs—the lungs and large intestine—need special attention during this season. Astragalus root, an immune tonic and adaptogen, is a…

Schisandra Berry

Schisandra Berry — Wu wei zi The fruit of the Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis) vine is one of my favorite adaptogenic herbs for the change of season from late summer into autumn. This transitional time can be hard on the lungs and immune system, and Schisandra is the perfect ally for the season.

Herbs for Memory and Concentration

Whether it’s back-to-school season for you, or you’ve been experiencing “senior moments”, feeling mentally alert and focused is important. Many of us struggle with concentration, and there are many reasons for that. Our world is pretty over-stimulating, and while everyone’s tolerance for mental stimulus is different, it can be difficult for even the most extroverted…

Fall Allergy Season

Itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sore throat, headache, coughing, sneezing: seasonal allergies can be a misery. For those who are particularly sensitive, allergy symptoms can include digestive upset and fatigue as well as the cold-like symptoms we easily recognize. It’s been another wet summer in Maryland, which means that all the plants are growing like…

Ravishing Rose

When you think of roses, you probably think of love, romance, summer gardens, weddings, special days and celebrations. The rose has a rich cultural history in both East and West, appearing in folklore, poetry, art, and healing. There are over 10,000 varieties of Rosa cultivated in the world, and all are beautiful. The most common…