Getting To Know Reishi

Reishi’s Chinese name translates as “Spirit Plant”, or “Herb of Spiritual Potency”. It is a remarkable, adaptogenic mushroom that has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Like all adaptogens, Reishi has a normalizing effect on our overall physiology, and it can help restore us to health from a truly incredible range of…

An Adrenal/Immune Tonic for the Fall

The change to Fall is one of my favorites, but it does bring challenges to the immune system and adrenals. I like to mix up some of this tonic to give myself a leg up for the seasonal change. This is a fantastic recipe because it combines therapies for immunity, stress, and energy into one…

Rejuvenation In A Cup: Pacifying Vata in the Fall

In Ayurveda, Vata dosha is characterized as “dry, light, mobile, subtle, rough, hard, changeable, and clear.” Sounds a lot like Fall, doesn’t it? The leaves dry out and a cool, dry wind blows them away, the days become colder and shorter, the air is more subtle and changeable. In Ayurveda, Fall is the Vata time…