3 N’s for the Nose Part 1

3 N’s for the Nose: Neti, Nasya, and Nettles by Tom Wolfe Part 1: Neti “Boiled with barley and eaten as a porridge several times a day, the fresh or dried leaves of sister spinster stinging Nettle loosen and bring up deep congestion without irritating sensitive respiratory tissues…Considered a specific for adults with asthmatic allergies,…

In Praise of Kapha

In Praise of Kapha Dosha Ayurveda, the ancient healing system of India, teaches that there are three constitutions: Vata (air), Pitta (Fire), and Kapha (Earth). These three energies are present in our physical bodies, our minds, and our emotions. A balance of these three is essential to good health and mental and emotional resiliance. In…