The benefits of ginger extend beyond the flavor it imparts in Indian and Asian cuisine, as it also has medicinal qualities. Ginger grows as a rhizome. You can slice, dice or grind it to realize certain health benefits from it. Just read on to learn some of these benefits.
Digestive Aid
Ginger contains certain phenolic compounds that reduce irritation in the gastrointestinal tract while they increase saliva and bile production. In studies, it has also provided superior relief from the symptoms linked to motion sickness in comparison with OTC drugs for the same issue.
An Anti-Inflammatory
When people with arthritis consume small amounts of ginger regularly, they receive relief from the joint pain and inflammation that are associated with this condition. They even realize a reduction in swelling. Gingerols are the compounds that are in ginger that cause this beneficial effect to happen in the body.
It Reduces Pain
Research shows that taking a ginger supplement each day can reduce post-workout muscle pain. In addition, ginger relieves migraine, menstrual and other types of pain.
Ginger Helps to Prevent or Kill Cancer
Research shows promising results with ginger as a preventative for colon cancer. The spice inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the colon and can prevent it from thriving. On top of this, according to the American Association of Cancer, pure ginger extract killed ovarian cancer cells in lab experiments since the spice contains phytonutrients.
It Boosts the Immune System
Ginger provides an effective boost to the immune system. The boost helps the body fight off the common cold or even influenza. Tea made from hot water, diced or ground ginger, honey and lemon helps to calm various symptoms of respiratory infections, including sore throats and coughs.
Try some ginger today to learn how it can help your health. Add it to your food, make a tea from it or take a supplement, as all these ways will provide you the special benefits of this spice.
Created the greatest arclsiet, you have.
Joseph, glad you think so! 🙂
May the force be with you (and herbs too)