Omega-3 fatty acids are classified as essential fatty acids, which means the body can’t produce them, though they are crucial to human health. They can be found from either plant or animal sources. Most notably, Omega-3 is obtained from krill and fish oils. Doctors and nutritionists insist on the importance of Omega-3 uptakes.
Omega-3 fatty acids protect the heart
For long, Western scientists have been fascinated by indigenous societies in which cardiovascular diseases seemed not to exist. In some Arctic tribes, the diet consisted largely of animal products, but the instances of heart attacks were almost nonexistent.
Danish researchers engaged in examining Inuit metabolism during the 1970s had proposed that Omega-3 fatty acids from fish afforded cardiovascular protection. Eventually, those conclusions led to recommendations that Westerners eat more fish as a measure of help in preventing heart disease. Consequently, several million people went scrambling for the fish oil capsules.
Here are some of the benefits of taking Omega-3:
Cholesterol levels– people who take high amounts of Omega-3 have been found to have higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol and less triglyceride (bad) cholesterol in the body.
Diabetes– individuals with diabetes often have high levels of triglyceride and low HDL levels. Considering that Omega-3 can lower triglyceride levels and apoproteins (diabetes markers), and then those who take it have fewer chances of suffering from diabetes.
Depression– although research is not clear whether taking Omega-3 can help relieve depression, studies have proven that taking it together with antidepressants brings forth lots of improvement.
High blood pressure– clinical studies suggest that people who take in Omega-3 rich diets have lower blood pressure.
Rheumatoid arthritis– clinical studies have shown that people with the disease who take Omega-3 experience less painful symptoms. The oil reduces the symptoms, including morning stiffness and joint pain.
Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease– studies suggest that Omega-3 can help to protect against the two diseases. They have further shown that it has a positive consequence on gradual memory loss associated with aging.
Bipolar disorder– clinical studies show that those who take Omega-3 in addition to their prescriptions experience fewer mood swings and relapses.
Asthma– a diet rich in Omega-3 lessens inflammation, which is a primary element in asthma.
Sources of Omega-3 include:
- Lake trout
- Bluefish
- Herring
- Salmon
- Sardines
- Sturgeon
- Anchovies