Susan Trial Wolfe
Getting good sleep is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Most of us, though, struggle with sleep, both getting enough and feeling refreshed by the sleep we do get.
Fortunately there are things you can do to improve your sleep, improve your health, and feel more like yourself!
Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each day (and no you can’t “make it up” on the weekends!).
It really is best to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day if you can.
It’s normal to wake up for a little while in the middle of the night. Try to rest, read, meditate, but most importantly try not to worry!

Alcohol and THC/CBD don’t help as much as you think they do. While they make you feel sleepy, they actually reduce your quality of sleep, making you feel tired even if you’ve been asleep.
Having your last meal of the day 2 hours before bed and putting your screens away 1 hour before bed can help you fall asleep sooner and sleep more soundly.
Getting 10-30 minutes of bright sunshine on your skin early in the day helps your body naturally produce melatonin at night!
The go-to supplement for travelers, Melatonin, is a safe, effective strategy for helping you fall asleep. Start with 1mg and increase if needed.
Valerian is perhaps the best-known herbal sleep aid. As a muscle relaxant and mild sedative, it can help you fall asleep and stay asleep, especially if mild muscle pain or tension is a factor.
My personal favorite, Ashwagandha, improves your quality of sleep, helping you feel more refreshed. This herb also helps relieve stress and anxiety, shortening the time it takes to fall asleep.
Nerve Soother Tea is my own blend of tasty, relaxing herbs to help you feel ready for a restful night. Sip a hot cup or two before bed and enjoy the cozy, sleepy feeling.
If warm milky drinks appeal to you, Golden Milk might be just the thing you need. A combination of Ashwagandha, Turmeric (giving the drink its gold color!) and other herbs, this is a warm and wonderful bedtime drink to give you those zzzz’s.
As a general helper, I Sleep Soundly is the perfect formula in convenient tablets. A combination of herbs to help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly, this is often the first thing I reach for.
If waking up and not being able to get back to sleep is your biggest struggle, try SleepThru. This is a more intensive formula for deeper sleep.
Holy Basil, known as The Incomparable One in her home country of India, is a soothing, calming herbal friend. This relative of your kitchen basil reduces cortisol, stabilizes blood sugar, and clears the mind. In tea or capsule, Holy Basil can help reduce racing thoughts that keep you from sleeping. During the day, it can help keep you focused on the task at hand.
Hawthorne, and the formula Grief Relief, help reduce emotional overwhelm during stressful times. They support the heart and nerves, helping you relax and rest, and get good sleep.
Good sleep is essential to good health. Herbs can be just the friend you need to improve the quality of your nightly rest.
In good health,