The Digestive and Immune Systems, an Ayurvedic Perspective
Part 2
In Part 1 we discussed Dosha, or Ayurvedic constitution, and the energetic element of Fire that is an essential component in both digestive and immune function.
Today we’re going to look at some specific ways that digestion and immunity can become out of balance in each of the three doshas.
If you’re not sure of your constitutional type, you can take an online quiz HERE:
Vata and Digestion
Vata digestion tends to be cold and dry, with erratic appetite and a tendency toward gas and constipation. These folks tend to be slender, and have a hard time putting on weight or muscle mass. They may be restless and active, and struggle to eat balanced, regular meals. They may forget to eat, or be uninterested in food, then eat large quantities in one sitting. Vata types can be drawn to extreme diets, especially ones focusing on “pure” food, but these diets are often Vata-aggravating. Vatas need soothing, warm, well-cooked foods and a balanced approach to eating.
Signs you may have Vata-excess digestion:
- Erratic appetite
- Excess gas or gas pain
- Dry, hard, “rabbit pellet” stool
- Infrequent (less than every other day) bowel movements
Remedies for Vata-excess digestion:
- Triphala
- Hot water or hot ginger tea
- Marshmallow root
- Flax meal
- Fennel Seed
Things to avoid:
- Bitter foods and herbs (including coffee!)
- Raw or cold foods
- Irregular mealtimes
Vata and the Immune System
The Vata immune system may also be erratic in its reaction to invaders, and easily depleted. The Vata type needs to be nourished and supported with warm, soothing herbs, foods, and environment. Vata folks may be especially vulnerable to respiratory problems, where their tendency to dryness and hoarseness leaves sensitive sinus and lung tissues susceptible to infection. The Vata immune system may respond quickly to pathogens, but it also can quickly deplete itself, increasing the likelihood of re-infection.
Signs you may have a Vata-excess immune system:
- Unpredictable reactions to illness
- Frequent changes in symptoms
- Loss of appetite when ill
- Dryness, whether in skin, dry cough, sore throat, constipation
Remedies for a Vata-excess immune system:
- Astragalus
- Ginger root
- Medicinal mushrooms like Reishi
- Nourishing adaptogens like Ashwagandha
Herbs to limit:
- Strong alteratives (Poke root, Blue Flag, etc.)
- Goldenseal root
- Large quantities of drying or bitter herbs (Gentian, Boneset, etc.)
Pitta and Digestion
Pitta digestion tends to be hot and wet with a strong appetite and thirst. There is a tendency toward soft stool, even diarrhea, and they may experience heartburn or hemmorhoids more often than other doshas. Pitta types tend to be of medium build, with no particular issues gaining or losing weight, and are often athletic, especially attracted to competitive sports. Pitta eats well, and is attracted to a wide variety of foods, but may be sensitive to spicy, acidic, or fermented foods. To stay balanced these folks need bitter vegetables, sweet fruits, cooling foods, and lean proteins.
Signs you may have Pitta-excess Digestion:
- Strong appetite, difficulty skipping meals
- Loose stool
- Heartburn, sensitvity to spicy or acidic foods
Remedies for Pitta digestion:
Things to avoid:
- Nightshades—tomatoes, bell pepper, eggplant, white potatoes
- Raw onions and garlic
- Vinegar based sauces and pickles
- Excessively spicy food
Pitta and the Immune System
The Pitta immune system tends to come on strong, with high fevers and sweats, a tendency toward infection and inflammation. High Pitta people may be more prone to allergic reactions and auto-immune disorders, as their immune systems are on high alert. The Pitta system needs gentle, regular movement to support lymph drainage, and regular cooling and detoxifying herbs to protect the body from overreacting to stimulus. The Pitta body is more than capable of defending against invaders, but it can exhaust itself fighting off things that aren’t really threats, and must be protected from its own vigilance.
Signs you may have a Pitta Immune System:
- You’re rarely sick but when you do get sick it’s intense
- You tend to recover quickly
- You run high fevers and need to drink lots of water
- You can react strongly to new environments
- You have allergies or food sensitivities and what you react to can change over time
Remedies for a Pitta-excess immune system:
Herbs to Limit:
- Cayenne Pepper
- Black Pepper
- Echinacea Root
- Oregano Oil
Kapha and Digestion:
Kapha digestion is slow and steady, with a cold and wet energy. Kapha types tend to gain weight easily and struggle to lose it. They are sturdy and muscular, love sweets, and have a steady appetite. The Kapha metabolism is slow, and they have regular, predictable bowel movements. There is a tendency toward mucus, both in the chest and in the gut, and cold digestion that can lead to bloating and discomfort shortly after eating. These are the folks who may have the hardest time digesting wheat gluten, dairy products, and other dense foods. Kapha types do well on a light, warming diet and can tolerate fasting and raw foods better than the other doshas (they may not like it, but it is good for them!). Kapha also struggles with sluggishness, and doesn’t do well on too little sleep. These folks may feel they really need coffee or other stimulants to function.
Signs you may have Kapha-excess digestion:
- Steady appetite, enjoys snacking
- Regular, dense or compact stool
- Tendency toward mucus
- Struggles to lose weight
Remedies for Kapha-excess digestion:
- Ginger Root
- Black Pepper
- Cinnamon
- Vigorous exercise
Things to avoid:
- Processed sugar
- Dairy products
- Salty foods and herbs
- Snacking between meals
Kapha and the Immune System:
Kapha types are the most likely to get every cold or flu bug that goes around, and they may feel like they’re sick all the time. Their immune systems may be slower to act, and take longer to heal. Because excess mucus is so common for Kapha, respiratory infections can be particularly troublesome, and it’s easy for a simple headcold to linger in the chest or even turn into bronchitis. Kapha folks need to work on more motion in their lives, vigorous exercise to stimulate cardiovascular, digestive, and lymphatic circulation. Increasing good flow, along with a light diet to prevent mucus production, can reduce respiratory infections. Kapha types can handle the strong, stimulating immune herbs better than the other doshas, and should reach for Echinacea or Oregano Oil at the first sign of a cold. Acting quickly and decisively will make a big difference in how long they are ill! Warming herbs that reduce mucus and aid digestion will support immune response also.
Signs you may have a Kapha Immune System:
- Frequent colds or flu
- Lots of mucus
- Slow recovery time
Remedies for a Kapha-excess Immune System:
Herbs to Limit:
- Licorice Root
- Seaweeds
- Marshmallow Root
- Shatavari
Whew! Well, that’s a lot of information, hopefully you will find it helpful for yourself and your loved ones. Preventative medicine is the best medicine, and knowing your Dosha and its strengths and weaknesses can help you protect your health from the inside out!
In good health,
Thank you for all the important information.
N. Daniela Shaw
You’re very welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
I was not sure what type of digestive or immune system I have until I read all the characteristics of each one. Not knowing for sure I thought I was a combination, the discovery I am a Pita.